
Help / Support:

I have received a message from someone, but I can not find it in my mailbox ?

The person you were speaking to may have deleted his/her account before you read the message. If a person cancels his account, his messages are also deleted.
Another possibility is that our team may have deleted a fraudulent account, which also deletes all the messages previously sent from this account.

How to read the messages received in my PROXIMEETY mailbox?

You must log in the member zone using your login and password. Then go to the « messages » page (see left menu)

How to reply to a message?

The answer is sent via the member zone and does not go through your personal e-mail. You must log on to the website using your account login and password and use the internal messaging system (PROXIMEETY inbox).

How do I know I have received a message?

Each time a member sends you a message, you will receive an automatic notification on your personal e-mail account. Likewise, if you contact someone, this person will be informed by an automatic notification on his/her personal e-mail account..

How to find my sent messages?

You can find the messages you sent by clicking on « Messages > Sent messages ». In order to make room on the server, old messages can be deleted. If your message is older than 5 or 6 months, it may have been automatically deleted.

How to delete my account?

To unsubscribe from the website, you must be connected in your account (member zone), then click on « Help / Contact us » on the top right of the web page. Once on the « Help / Contact us » page, follow the instructions, click on « Unsubscribe me » and confirm your choice.

Can I change my login?

The login used for registration can not be modified.
However, the following solution can be used:
- Delete your existing profile (log on to your profile then go to the « Help/Contact us » page and follow the instructions to unsubscribe).
- Then create a new account and choose the desired new login.

I can not log in…

You probably made a mistake when typing your password. Copy and paste your password from the e-mail received upon registration to avoid mistakes.

How to add a profile to my friends list

Go to this person’s profile and click on « Add this member to my friends list » or « Delete this member from my friends list ». This link is situated below the profile photos, in the centre of the page.

How to change my password?

In the member zone, go to the « your profile » page (left menu) and submit a new password.

How to add a photo?

Log on to your account using your login and password. Go to the “photos” page (see left menu) and follow instructions.
Not being able to upload your photos on your profile, may mean that their size is too large.

I can not see people of the same sex?

If you registered as « a man looking for a woman », you will only see women’s profiles, and vice-versa.

My profile does not show in the list of connected profiles?

If you registered as « a man looking for a woman », you can not see men’s profiles, including yours.

Why has my photo been refused

Your face must be visible on your photo. It must be entirely visible, or you must at least be recognizable. This rule applies to all members. Other users would not understand if exceptions were made. Besides, some members send photos of their favourite star, their car or their pet. We refuse these photos because we only want profile photos which represent real users.

Why Many profiles display neither ads nor photos.. ?

In PROXIMEETY.CO.UK, our members are real people. But they can not be forced to update their profile.

I have been contacted by a dishonest person. So, what to do ?

All dating sites may contain fraudulent profiles. We are doing our best to find and delete the profiles of dishonest people.

- Report any person who would ask you for money on our site.
- Do not give your MSN/SKYPE/FACEBOOK details to anybody: we have several technical tools enabling us to guaranty a high level of security to our members while they stay on our website. If you decide to go on SKYPE, we will not be able to protect you.
- Use your common sense and show reserve towards foreign solicitations: 99% of swindlers who act on dating websites are located in Western Africa (Ivory Coast, Nigeria…) or Russia.

WSomeone is harassing me on the website...what to do ?

- Do not answer to this person’s message.
- Use the “blacklist” function. This person will not be able to send you messages anymore.
Please report this member’s login through the “Help / Contact us” page. Once the account is verified, our technicians will delete the profile if needed.

How to add a member to my blacklist?

Go to this member’s profile and click on “add to my blacklist’'

How to report a fraudulent member ?

Go to this member’s profile and click on this link “Click here to make a spam/scam report on this member” (the link image is a small triangular panel). Our technicians will check the reported profile.

I have forgotten my password?

Go to the “forgotten password” page :
This page can be reached through the main page under the “login” and “password” fields. Your password will automatically be sent to the e-mail you filled during registration. Check all your e-mail accounts if you have any doubts.

How to chat?

You can only chat with a profile connected at the same time as you are! Simply click on the small purple bubble saying “start chat”.
If the member is not connected, you can send him an internal message on his profile. He will then be notified he has received a message by e-mail. Simply click on “Send a message” (envelope shaped link).

How to close a running chat?

The “real time chat” window closes itself after a while if no message has been sent or received between the connected members.

Can I view the logs of a chat?

The logs of a chat conversation can not be viewed.
However, messages sent and received through your internal mailbox are stored in your profile

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