Women love and modernity

Changes in the dating world

Which  changes have made a difference?
With feminism and other egalitarian movements making progress and bringing evolution to our modernising world,
it would seem that the changes taking place are a win-win all round, women feel that they have a legitimate right to
pay their way and men are finding that they have more money in their wallets now-a-days too.

Why do men like feminism?

Women taking the wheel and the driver’s seat at the same time, women (have always felt that they could be doing more
but have had to sit back and wait) today women know that expressing what they want, feel and desire is a welcomed changed,
women are at ease and naturally empowered they too can take the lead during an online chat exchange, make the first move,
send out the first message, propose a date, decide on the venue, the time, the event. These are new parameters not only in
the online dating world, but the world over, helping to improve equality and understanding, between men and women.
Having a voice makes being heard so much easier.

Equality dating in 2020 how does it work for both parties?

Women know that they can date whoever they wish, with or without an age difference, with or without financial support,
living together or separately the choice is theirs, the world has moved forward and women are in-charge of their own choices,
empowered by their natural ability to take command and not only of the shopping list or household chores, but of their sexual
preferences and fantasies too, in the bedroom women are totally taking control. To their surprise many men are finding this
sense of control extremely attractive, once again another win-win for all those concerned.</>